Our stone replicas are all one-off pieces.
If you would like to buy one of the available pieces shown here, please e-mail us for a final price including delivery (dependent on location) — the prices shown on the info sheets below exclude delivery.
If you would like to commission a special piece, please contact Mick (tel 07854 840004, or e-mail iret@btinternet.com) to discuss requirements. The process of choosing subject, size, material — and any special features in order to create a unique item — can be immensely rewarding (even if the prospect may at first seem daunting), and we are very happy to have initial discussions with no obligation to buy.
Head of a Pharaoh from Thutmose IV’s Peristyle Court at Karnak
Mick’s biggest carving to date, this 25kg slab of York sandstone possesses a suitably imperial presence. Inspired by a wonderfully clean and graphic profile of Thutmose IV (probably), wearing a khepresh battle crown, it is available for £770 plus delivery. It’s too big to contemplate the making of a cast, so it is a true one-off.
(Click on the panel at left to have a closer look. When you’re done, click the back-button on your browser to return to the Stone Replicas page)
Head of a Hawk from the Open Air Museum at Karnak
This simple but powerful carving was inspired by a photograph Mick took in Egypt just a few weeks after the Revolution of January/February 2011. This unique and individual piece of stone sculpture is available for £135 plus delivery. Casts are available for £28 plus delivery.
(Click on the panel at left to have a closer look. When you’re done, click the back-button on your browser to return to the Stone Replicas page)
Head of an Offering-bearer from the tomb-chapel of Vizier Kagemni, Saqqara
This male head, with its strong features and intricate wig detail, was inspired by the work of the Oxford Expedition to Egypt (OEE). A unique and individual piece of stone sculpture, it is available for £318 plus delivery. Casts are available for £34 plus delivery, with £5 for each one sold being donated to the OEE.
(Click on the panel at left to have a closer look. When you’re done, click the back-button on your browser to return to the Stone Replicas page)
Head of Akhenaten from the Metropolitan Museum, New York SOLD
The “heretic pharaoh” Akhenaten exerts a particular fascination, and this copy of a museum piece replicates original toolmarks and damage. This unique and individual piece of stone sculpture is available for £366 plus delivery.
(Click on the panel at left to have a closer look. When you’re done, click the back-button on your browser to return to the Stone Replicas page)
Website content © Mick & Lynn Oakey 2017